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Yada Yada Yada

The Soup Nazi — Season 7 / Episode 116   GEORGE: Good afternoon. One large crab bisque to go. Bread. Beautiful. SOUP NAZI: You're pushing your luck little man. GEORGE: Sorry. Thank you. ELAINE: Hi there. Um, uh -- (drumming on countertop) Oh! Oh! Oh! One mulligatawny and, um...

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Listen to this. Marcy comes up and she tells me her ex-boyfriend was over late last night, and "yada yada yada, I'm really tired today." You don't think she yada yada'd sex. I've yada yada'd sex. Really? Yeah. I met this lawyer, we went out to dinner, I had the lobster bisk, we went back to my place, yada yada yada, I never heard from...

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Who put you up to this, was it her? All right. Wait a minute. I think you've got it backwards. My George isn't clever enough to hatch a scheme like this. You got that right. What the hell does that mean? It means whatever the hell you want it to mean. You sayin' you want a piece of me? I could drop you like...

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What was wrong with that? I had a different interpretation! Do you know anything about this pretzel guy?! Maybe he's been in the bar a really long time and he's really depressed because he has no job and no woman and he's parking cars for a living! Alright! Alright! Shut up! Shut up! I hear you! I'm coming down! These...

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